Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2014

release update

We received some quite bad news: right now there seems to be an ever-increasing run on vinyl releases, which in itself is a good thing because vinyl is great. But that also means that the actual delivery time for a vinyl output has been prolonged from roughly 4 weeks to something like 3 months!
So, our split lp with Corrosive probably won´t be released before april 2015. What a bummer! We´ll keep you posted in case there will be any changes.

To end on a positive note:

Hardcore Winterfest in Tuebingen was an absolutely awesome experience, even better than expected. Thumbs up to the organizers, the audience and to all bands that played there. And special thanks to Fredward for making it possible for us to join the gig!

One of the many highlights of the H.C. Winterfest: a cop-piñata. Muy bien!

Dienstag, 11. November 2014

Hardcore Winterfest

Next stop: the eleventh edition of the Hardcore Winterfest , taking place at the Epplehaus in Tuebingen. Awesome!
So, here is the line-up for this year and some additional information about what else you can expect there:








(Deutschpunk- / Hardcore-Covers, voll geil ey)

Leckerste Vokü von der Lu15!

Spiel und Spaß und Distros im zweiten Stock!

Punkerflohmarkt! Bringt euren alten Krempel und tauscht ihn gegen neuen aus!

+freshe Überraschungen im Konzertsaal!

Mittwoch, 24. September 2014

new gig!

New gig announced!

On the first of November we will play a show at the KuZeB in Bremgarten with Deszcz and another band (not yet confirmed). Hooray!

Dienstag, 23. September 2014

gigs in september 2014: retrospect + release infos

The last two weekends were simply outstanding. We played two festivals that offered everything you could ask for: nice people, great party and a shitload of awesome bands. And all that for good causes! (want to know details? Just write!) Hats off to the organizers and the audience for their hospitality. And thanks again for letting us play.
So believe me, DIESEL´N`DUST and BLACK FOREST FIESTA GRANDE are always worth a visit.

Concerning our first release: there is a little delay, it will be released sometime between now and January 2015, and it is going to be a split 7" with our friends from CORROSIVE. Till then you can get a Demo-CD-R at our gigs.

And we are still looking for shows. If you want us to play in your area just get in touch!

Donnerstag, 21. August 2014

infos about our first recording session

We have added 4 more Songs from our first recording session to our bandcamp page for your listening enjoyment (or else...).
 All in all we recorded 14 Songs , 13 own creations and a cover for an upcoming Tribute LP/EP dedicated to Hellhammer. If everything works out fine, all of this stuff will be released on vinyl in the near future. Until then you can check out some tunes via the Player or http://societyprisoncomplex.bandcamp.com/

Dienstag, 12. August 2014

Upcoming shows in september 2014

Upcoming Shows:

12.09.2014 Diesel`n´Dust @ Schattenparker (Freiburg)

13.09.2014 need help!

20.09.2014 Black Forest Fiesta Grande II (Villingen)

If you want to hook us up for a gig you are very welcome!